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Operation BattleGrid: Strategic Frontiers Mobile Demo

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Operation BattleGrid: Strategic Frontiers Mobile Demo


Game units and rules: https://lordghostx.github.io/battlegrid/



  • Undo Move: Reverts the last move(s) made by any player
  • Skip Turn: Enables players to skip their turn if desired
  • Export Moves: Generates a custom PGN format string representing the current gameplay
  • Import Moves: Imports gameplay from a string provided by the Export Moves function
  • Restart Game: Resets the entire gameplay. To preserve your progress, use the Export Moves function beforehand

Game Units

Infantry (♙ ♟)

  • Modeled after chess pawns
  • Can advance 1 or 2 squares forward on each move, unlike chess pawns with fixed subsequent moves
  • Executes diagonal captures, reaching up to 2 squares to eliminate enemy units

Tank (♖ ♜)

  • Modeled after chess rooks
  • Can advance and capture both vertically and horizontally without step limitations

Ghost (♘ ♞)

  • Modeled after chess knights
  • Can advance and capture in the classic 2+1 L-shape or an extended 3+1 L-shape pattern

Echo (◎ ◉)

  • Newly introduced piece, taking inspiration from a mini-queen (princess)
  • Can advance and capture two squares in any direction (vertical, horizontal, diagonal), with a fixed range of 2 squares
  • Can also leap over units like Ghost (♘ ♞)

Drone (♗ ♝)

  • Modeled after chess bishops
  • Can advance and capture diagonally without step limitations
  • Can also advance in any direction but limited to a single square
  • Cannot capture except only diagonally

Peacekeeper (♕ ♛)

  • Modeled after chess queens
  • Can advance and capture in any direction without step limitations

Command Center (♔ ♚)

  • Modeled after chess kings
  • Can advance and capture in any direction but limited to a single square at a time
  • The game concludes when this unit is captured or checkmated

Game Rules

  • Players have the option to skip their turn if they choose to do so
  • The game is won by any player whose Command Center (♔ ♚) reaches the hill located at block F6
  • The game can be concluded either by capturing or checkmating the opponent’s Command Center (♔ ♚)
  • There is no preference for which team plays first; it can be determined by mutual agreement or random selection
  • Players are free to arrange their units in any formation, limited to the first three rows at the top and bottom of the board (excluded in this demo)

Run Locally


# Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/Mastersam07/battlegrid

# Go to the project directory

# Flutter run the project
flutter run


Contributions are always welcome!

If you have new features to introduce or bugs to squash, kindly submit a Pull Request (PR) to make your mark. Your participation is highly appreciated.


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Rutvik Gumasana

Rutvik Gumasana